Stand Designer Now Supports the Eastern United States

Stand Designer Now Supports the Eastern United States

New species and FVS functionality added to support the Eastern United States

Updated Tree Model List

Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Incense-Cedar, Western Redcedar, Giant Sequoia, Coast Redwood, Western Juniper, Western Hemlock, White Fir, Douglas-Fir, Engelmann Spruce, Western Larch, Loblolly Pine, Sitka Spruce.

California Black Oak, Tanoak, Bigleaf Maple, Red Alder, Quaking Aspen, Dogwood, Curl-Leaf Mountain Mahogany, Vine Maple, Pacific Willow, Paper Birch, Red Maple, White Oak, Yellow Birch, Pignut Hickory, Sweetgum, American Beech, Sugar Maple.

All models can be used as visual substitutes for other species while reporting accurate names and data.
FVS Integration
We have expanded our FVS integration to work with models from across the country. The process remains the same, import your FVS Out file, select Run and Stand, hit prepare sequence, and let Stand Designer do the rest.

See more pictures below!