Do you offer special pricing for students and educational organizations?

We want Stand Designer to be accessible for you and/or your organization. If cost presents a barrier to you, send us a message.

Do I have to pay extra for commercial or enterprise usage?

All subscriptions of Stand Designer come with the same license allowing unlimited commercial use. If you need additional support for your organization, reach out to us and we can work towards a solution to suit your needs.

What kind of data can I import into Stand Designer?

Stand Designer allows you to import data via simple stand table, tree list, stem map, Treemap dataset from USFS, and FVS output.

Can I import DEM/LiDAR/shapefile data?

Stand Designer allows you to create a custom terrain from location, you simply enter the latitude and longitude and the application will render your 4-acre terrain from the best possible USGS DEM data. Visual Forester Pro will support traditional spatial information such as DEM/LiDAR/shapefile data.

Can I use Stand Designer to model tree growth?

By using stand tables to transfer data, Stand Designer has the flexibility to visualize results from numerous established growth models such as CACTOS, FVS, or FPS. Stand Designer does not come with any growth models built in. However, we have an integration to work in parallel with FVS (the Forest Vegetation Simulator), produced by the Forest Service. This growth and planning tool is free to access and is widely used throughout North America.

Where does your funding come from?

Visual Forester is fully self-funded with no outside investors, grants, or interests.

Where do you get your 3D tree models?

All of our tree models have been designed and built by our staff here at Alpine. Many of the species were created using photogrammetry techniques to recreate our local flora.

What tree species are currently supported?

Our 3D models library was developed to represent forests across the United States/Canada. Currently our library contains accurate and distinctive models for ponderosa pine, sugar pine, lodgepole pine, Douglas-fir, white fir, western hemlock, Engelmann spruce, coast redwood, incense cedar, western redcedar, giant sequoia, western juniper, western larch, loblolly pine, Sitka spruce, California black oak, tanoak, quaking aspen, red alder, bigleaf maple, paper birch, red maple, white oak, yellow birch, pignut hickory, sweetgum, American beech and sugar maple. Additionally, if a species that you are interested in is not listed, but looks similar to one of the species above, it is possible to substitute the species name and biometrics data.

Will my computer run Stand Designer?

Stand Designer is a graphics-intensive application. Testing and optimization is ongoing, but to run Stand Designer on the base settings, you will need a reasonably modern (e.g. 2016 or later), moderately powerful computer (e.g. an Intel i-5 processor). To use the mid-upper graphics settings, you will need a dedicated graphics card such as those made by Nvidia, as opposed to “integrated graphics processors” which are built into Intel/AMD CPUs. If you aren’t sure about your computer hardware, just send us a message and we will gladly give you additional advice.